Script OneCancelOther
The description of action:
Script watching the orders. Creates system consisting of two pending orders by a principle "at execution of one order another is cancelled". Orders can be different currency pairs, but necessarily pending. If one of orders was deleted, the script automatically finish the work. Can be attached to any chart.
The script allows to automate trade. It is useful to those who uses "one cancels other" pending orders. Open a pending orders, start a script and you should not watch them any more, the script itself will delete not executed order. Simultaneous use together with other scripts watching the order is supposed.
Ticket_1 = the unique identifier of the first order. It can be found in a column "Order" of the tab "Trade" of the terminal.
Ticket_2 = the unique identifier of the second order. It can be found in a column "Order" of the tab "Trade" of the terminal.
PlaySoundAtEvent = enable/disable play sound file at event.
PlaySoundAtEvent_FileName = the name of sound file that will played at event. This parameter is used only if parameter PlaySoundAtEvent = true.
ArrowColor = color for arrow on chart at time of delete order.
Delay = frequency of a check up status of orders. It is set in milliseconds, for example value 5000 means periodicity of 5 seconds. It is necessary to remember, that too often periodicity can brake the terminal. For example, if it is improbable, that both orders will be executed during one minute, it is possible to set value 60000 (time one minute). If during the specified period both warrants were executed, the order ticket_2 will be closed at the current price.
The status: Free-of-charge, it is possible to download the full version.
Platform: MetaTrader 4.
See also these scripts:
- the system of two orders: "one opens other".
- the universal system of two orders: "one closes other".
- open order at the specified time.
Frequently asked questions:
How I can run a script ?
How I can determine that the script works ?
Why the script does not trade ?