Expert adviser Assistant
The description:
This is expert adviser for simplification a work of the trader. The EA watching orders: set stop-loss and take profit, move trailing stop, move stop-loss to break even, make partial closing. The EA can work with hidden levels of orders. The logic of the expert adviser not depends at the period of the chart to which it is attached.
AllSymbols = option "manage orders at all currency pairs"; true - manage orders at all currency pairs, false - manage orders, that have same currency pair as chart where EA is attached.
MagicNumber = "magic" number of orders that manage by EA; value "-1" - manage all orders, value 0 - manage only manual orders. If this EA manage orders of other EA then problems are possible at work.
HiddenLevels = option "hide a levels s/l and t/p from the broker"; true - levels is hide, false - the EA to set levels at orders.
StopLoss = distance (amount pips) of level stop-loss; value 0 - without level stop-loss.
Step1_TakeProfit = distance (amount pips) of level take profit #1.
Step2_TakeProfit = distance (amount pips) of level take profit #2.
Step3_TakeProfit = distance (amount pips) of level take profit #3.
Step4_TakeProfit = distance (amount pips) of level take profit #4.
Step5_TakeProfit = distance (amount pips) of level take profit #5.
Step6_TakeProfit = distance (amount pips) of level take profit #6.
Step1_Lots_Percent = percent of initial lots that should be closed at level take profit #1; value 0 - level take profit #1 is not used.
Step2_Lots_Percent = percent of initial lots that should be closed at level take profit #2; value 0 - level take profit #2 is not used.
Step3_Lots_Percent = percent of initial lots that should be closed at level take profit #3; value 0 - level take profit #3 is not used.
Step4_Lots_Percent = percent of initial lots that should be closed at level take profit #4; value 0 - level take profit #4 is not used.
Step5_Lots_Percent = percent of initial lots that should be closed at level take profit #5; value 0 - level take profit #5 is not used.
Step6_Lots_Percent = percent of initial lots that should be closed at level take profit #6; value 0 - level take profit #6 is not used.
For example, if you need trade one parts of order with t/p = 50 pips then you should set following values for parameters:
Step1_TakeProfit = 50
Step2_TakeProfit = 0
Step3_TakeProfit = 0
Step4_TakeProfit = 0
Step5_TakeProfit = 0
Step6_TakeProfit = 0
Step1_Lots_Percent = 100
Step2_Lots_Percent = 0
Step3_Lots_Percent = 0
Step4_Lots_Percent = 0
Step5_Lots_Percent = 0
Step6_Lots_Percent = 0
For example, if you need trade two parts of order, one with t/p = 50 pips and other with t/p = 100 pips then you should set following values for parameters:
Step1_TakeProfit = 50
Step2_TakeProfit = 100
Step3_TakeProfit = 0
Step4_TakeProfit = 0
Step5_TakeProfit = 0
Step6_TakeProfit = 0
Step1_Lots_Percent = 50
Step2_Lots_Percent = 50
Step3_Lots_Percent = 0
Step4_Lots_Percent = 0
Step5_Lots_Percent = 0
Step6_Lots_Percent = 0
Main things:
a) The sum of parameters StepX_Lots_Percent must be equal 100.
b) If you need have less than 6 parts then set parameters from "Step1_xxx" and leave last parameters equal 0.
c) Values for parameters "StepX_TakeProfit" set from lowest value to highest value. If you need have last part without t/p then set value 0 (it is a highest value).
TrailingStop = distance (amount pips) of trailing stop from current price; value 0 - without trailing stop (option is disabled).
TS_StartAfterProfit = profit (amount pips) after that the trailing stop is active; value 0 - trailing stop always is active.
TS_Step = minimal step (amount pips) movings of trailing stop.
MoveToBE = profit (amount pips) after that the level stop-loss move to opening price; value 0 - without move stop-loss to BE (option is disabled).
MoveToBE_Offset = offset (amount pips) of a new level stop-loss from the opening price of order; positive value - offset from opening price to profit, negative value - offset from opening price to loss.
UseManualLevels = option "draw on chart the levels s/l and t/p that is a global for all orders of pair and trader can to move it by mouse"; true - option is enabled, false - option is disabled. You should set "AllSymbols" = false because if "AllSymbols" = true then option "UseManualLevels" is disabled.
ML_Color_LevelSL_Buy = color for line at s/l оf Buy-orders.
ML_Color_LevelTP_Buy = color for line at t/p оf Buy-orders.
ML_Color_LevelSL_Sell = color for line at s/l оf Sell-orders.
ML_Color_LevelTP_Sell = color for line at t/p оf Sell-orders.
Slippage = slippage (amount pips).
ColorBuy = color for arrow on chart at closing Buy-order.
ColorSell = color for arrow on chart at closing Sell-order.
ShowListOfOrders = enable/disable display on chart a list of orders that EA to watch.
ShowListOfOrders_Color = color for text of list.
SendEmail = enable/disable send e-mail at close orders by EA.
SoundAlert = enable/disable play sound-file at modify and close orders by EA.
SoundFileAtClose = name of sound-file that will play at close order by EA; empty string ("") - don't play sound-file at this event.
SoundFileAtModify = name of sound-file that will play at modify order by EA; empty string ("") - don't play sound-file at this event.
Testing at the history of quotations: The expert adviser only for work in real time.
The status: Free-of-charge, it is possible to download the full version.
Platform: MetaTrader 4.
![To download the full version](images/edl1.gif)
Frequently asked questions:
How I can run a expert adviser ?
How I can change parameters of the expert adviser ?
Why the expert adviser does not trade ?