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The list of experts:


Expert adviser EquityLimits

The description:
     This expert adviser use for simplification a work of the trader. The EA watch the current difference between balance and equity of the account and when reach the specified limits then it will close all orders and disable all EAs (press button "Expert Advisers" on toolbar of MetaTrader). The logic of the expert adviser not depends at the period of the chart to which it is attached.

     DisableExperts = the option "disable EAs at event for close all orders": value true - to disable EAs , false - to not disable EAs.
     UseAbsoluteValues = defines a value of the parameters LimitOfProfit and LimitOfLoss; value true - parameters contains values as money, false - parameters contains values as percents.
     LimitOfProfit = the limit of profit for close all orders.
     LimitOfLoss = the limit of loss for close all orders.
     OrderCloseColor = the color of arrow that drawing at close order.
     ShowCurrentProfit = the option "show current profit on chart": value true - to show, false - to not show.
     CornerOfScreen = defines a mode to display informer. Possible values: 0 - at the top left corner of the chart, 1 - at the top right corner of the chart, 2 - at the bottom left corner of the chart, 3 - at the bottom right corner of the chart, 4 - to display as the comment of the chart (at the top left corner), 5 - to not display.
     XDistance = the distance (in pixels) on a horizontal from border of a window with chart (at the specified corner of the chart).
     YDistance = the distance (in pixels) on a vertical from border of a window with chart (at the specified corner of the chart).
     LabelColor = the color for text of informer.
     LabelColor_Positive = the color for text if current profit is positive.
     LabelColor_Negative = the color for text if current profit is negative.
     FontSize = the size for font of informer.
     FontName = the name for font of informer.

Testing at the history of quotations: The expert adviser only for work in real time.

The status: Free-of-charge, it is possible to download the full version.

Platform: MetaTrader 4.

To download the full version

Frequently asked questions:
How I can run a expert adviser ?
How I can change parameters of the expert adviser ?
Why the expert adviser does not trade ?

At occurrence of questions or offers write on Serega.Lykov@gmail.com, Sergey Lykov.
I can create the scripts, indicators and advisers of "MetaTrader 4" for a payment.
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