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The list of experts:


Expert adviser CollectTicks

The description:
     This expert adviser save ticks to the CVS-file. The EA create files in folder [MT4]\experts\files\TicksData\. Possible use its files in indicators that based on information about ticks.


Testing at the history of quotations: The expert adviser for work in real time.

The status: Free-of-charge, it is possible to download the source-file.

Platform: MetaTrader 4.

To download the source-file

Frequently asked questions:
How I can run a expert adviser ?
How I can change parameters of the expert adviser ?
Why the expert adviser does not trade ?

At occurrence of questions or offers write on Serega.Lykov@gmail.com, Sergey Lykov.
I can create the scripts, indicators and advisers of "MetaTrader 4" for a payment.
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