Indicator CounterTicks
The description:
The indicator calculates amount of ticks in succession at one direction and points between last ticks. The result of calculations is displayed as informer on the chart or as the comment of the chart (at the top left corner). Position of informers on the screen can be specified through parameters or (after an attaching indicator to the chart) a method "drag & drop " to move them by means of the mouse. At achievement of the specified values the indicator can create Alert, play a sound file or display on the chart badge arrow. The indicator is calculated only in a mode real time.
CounterForSignal = the amount of ticks in succession at one direction for signal.
DisplayInformer_Counter = enable/disable display informer of counter.
UseAlert_Counter = enable/disable to create Alert at signal of counter.
UseSoundAlert_Counter = enable/disable to play sound-file at signal of counter.
FileNameBuy_Counter = the name of sound-file, that will play at signal of counter for buy.
FileNameSell_Counter = the name of sound-file, that will play at signal of counter for sell.
UseArrow_Counter = enable/disable to draw on chart a badge arrow at signal of counter.
ArrowBuyColor_Counter = the color of badge arrow, that will draw at signal of counter for buy.
ArrowSellColor_Counter = the color of badge arrow, that will draw at signal of counter for sell.
ArrowBuyCode_Counter = the code of badge arrow, that will draw at signal of counter for buy.
ArrowSellCode_Counter = the code of badge arrow, that will draw at signal of counter for sell.
ArrowSize_Counter = the size of badge arrow, that will draw at signal of counter.
StepForSignal = the amount of points between last ticks for signal "jump".
DisplayInformer_Step = enable/disable display informer with points between last ticks.
UseAlert_Step = enable/disable to create Alert at signal "jump".
UseSoundAlert_Step = enable/disable to play sound-file at signal "jump".
FileNameBuy_Step = the name of sound-file, that will play at signal "jump" for buy.
FileNameSell_Step = the name of sound-file, that will play at signal "jump" for sell.
UseArrow_Step = enable/disable to draw on chart a badge arrow at signal "jump".
ArrowBuyColor_Step = the color of badge arrow, that will draw at signal "jump" for buy.
ArrowSellColor_Step = the color of badge arrow, that will draw at signal "jump" for sell.
ArrowBuyCode_Step = the code of badge arrow, that will draw at signal "jump" for buy.
ArrowSellCode_Step = the code of badge arrow, that will draw at signal "jump" for sell.
ArrowSize_Step = the size of badge arrow, that will draw at signal "jump".
CornerOfScreen = defines a mode to display informers. Possible values: 0 - at the top left corner of the chart, 1 - at the top right corner of the chart, 2 - at the bottom left corner of the chart, 3 - at the bottom right corner of the chart, 4 - to display as the comment of the chart(at the top left corner), 5 - to not display.
XDistance = the distance (in pixels) on a horizontal from border of a window with chart (at the specified corner of the chart)..
YDistance = the distance (in pixels) on a vertical from border of a window with chart (at the specified corner of the chart).
LabelColor = the color for text of informers.
LabelBuyColor = the color for values of informers, if the counter is positive.
LabelSellColor = the color for values of informers, if the counter is negative.
FontSize = the size for font of informers.
The status: Free-of-charge, it is possible to download the source-file.
Platform: MetaTrader 4.
Frequently asked questions:
How I can run a indicator ?
How I can determine that there was a error at execution of the indicator ?
How I can change parameters of the indicator ?