Indicator SecondChart
The description:
The indicator show candles of other chart in a separate-window of the indicator. The color for lines 4 and 8 it is necessary to specify same, as well as color of a background of the chart. If the shown chart for a long time was not open, it is necessary to repeat initialization of the indicator after download the price-data.
CurrencyPair = the name of currency pair, that indicator will display. Should be written by the big symbols, the final symbol "m" can be not specified.
TimeFrame = the timeframe of chart, that indicator will display. Possible values: 0 - timeframe of the current chart, 1 - M1, 5 - M5, 15 - M15, 30 - M30, 60 - H1, 240 - H4, 1440 - D1, 10080 - W1, 43200 - MN1.
ShowBidLine = enable/disable to draw a horizontal line at Bid; true - to draw a horizontal line at Bid, false - to not draw.
ShowBidLabel = enable/disable to display a label with a value of Bid; true - to display a label, false - to not display.
ColorBid = the color for horizontal line at Bid and for label with a value of Bid.
OffsetLabel = the offset for label with a value of Bid, from current bar (negative value - to the left, positive value - to the right).
CountBars = amount a bar on which the indicator is calculated; value 0 - the indicator is calculated on all bars.
The specified currency pair should be in a window "Market Watch".
The status: Free-of-charge, it is possible to download the source-file.
Platform: MetaTrader 4.
Frequently asked questions:
How I can run a indicator ?
How I can determine that there was a error at execution of the indicator ?
How I can change parameters of the indicator ?