Indicator TickChart_CCI
The description:
The indicator show CCI that calculate by ticks-data. The indicator allows to calculate on CCI two МА. It is intended for work in real time (for scalper-traders).
RestoreTicks = enable/disable to restore the tick-data after initialization of the indicator.
ToMoveObjects = enable/disable to move all graphic objects together with tick chart. If you have attached few indicators from group "TickChart" to the same chart then parameter "ToMoveObjects" should be enabled just at one indicator.
CCI_ShowLine = enable/disable to draw a line CCI.
CCI_Period = the period of CCI (amount a last ticks by that the CCI will calculated).
CCI_Price = defines a line on that it is imposed the CCI. Possible values: 0 - on line Bid, 1 - on line Ask.
MA1_ShowLine = enable/disable to draw a line MA1.
MA1_Period = period of the MA1; value should be more than 0
MA1_Method = the method of MA1. Possible values: 0 - Simple MovingAverage, 1 - Exponential MovingAverage, 2 - Smoothed MovingAverage, 3 - Linear weighted MovingAverage.
MA1_Shift = the shift of MA1.
MA2_ShowLine = enable/disable to draw a line MA2.
MA2_Period = period of the MA2; value should be more than 0
MA2_Method = the method of MA2. Possible values: 0 - Simple MovingAverage, 1 - Exponential MovingAverage, 2 - Smoothed MovingAverage, 3 - Linear weighted MovingAverage.
MA2_Shift = the shift of MA2.
MA2_ApplyTo = defines a line on that it is imposed the MA2; true - on line CCI, false - on line МА1.
The status: Free-of-charge, it is possible to download the full version.
Platform: MetaTrader 4.
See also these scripts:
- automatically to set levels stop loss and take profit with the specified distance for orders that are open without levels.
- open a long position.
- open a short position.
Frequently asked questions:
How I can run a indicator ?
How I can determine that there was a error at execution of the indicator ?
How I can change parameters of the indicator ?