Indicator LineWithAlerts
The description:
The indicator to generate alerts when price touch line of grafic object. It can watch events for following grafic objects: "Vertical Line", "Horizontal Line", "Trend Line", "Trend by Angle", "Regression" (only for central line), "Channel", "Standard Deviation Channel", "Gann Line", "Fibonacci Retracement", "Fibonacci Time Zones", "Rectangle", "Triangle", "Andrews Pitchfork", "Cycles", "Arrow" and "Text".
Alerts_Pips = distance (amount pips) to line when generate the alert; 0 = generate alert only at the touch of line.
SoundAlert = enable/disable to play sound-file at event.
SoundAlert_FileName = the name of sound-file (use only if SoundAlert = true).
PopUpAlert = enable/disable to show popup-window "Alerts" at event.
EmailAlert = enable/disable to send e-mail at event.
MinTimeDelayBetweenAlerts_Sec = the minimal interval of time (amount seconds) between alerts.
RectangleAlert = enable/disable to draw on chart the rectangle if current price near to grafic line.
RectangleAlert_Pips = distance (amount pips) to line when draw on chart the rectangle.
RectangleAlert_Color = color for rectangle.
RectangleAlert_X_Percents = percent from length of window that fill by rectangle.
RectangleAlert_Y_Percents = percent from height of window that fill by rectangle.
RectangleAlert_Corner = corner of window where to draw the rectangle. Possible values: 0 - upper left corner, 1 - upper right corner, 2 - lower left corner, 3 - lower right corner.
ObjectName_Signature = the string that should be at start of names of objects. Empty string ("") = the indicator don't check names of grafic objects.
ObjectName_ExceptSignature = the string that should be at start of names of objects. For such objects the indicator don't generate alerts. Empty string ("") = the indicator don't check names of grafic objects.
VerticalLine = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Vertical Line".
HorizontalLine = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Horizontal Line".
TrendLine = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Trend Line".
TrendLineByAngle = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Trend by Angle".
RegressionChannel = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Regression".
Channel = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Channel".
StdDevChannel = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Standard Deviation Channel".
GannLine = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Gann Line".
FibonacciRetracement = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Fibonacci Retracement".
FibonacciTimeZones = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Fibonacci Time Zones".
Rectangle = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Rectangle".
Triangle = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Triangle".
AndrewsPitchfork = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Andrews Pitchfork".
TimeCycles = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Cycles".
Arrow = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Arrow".
Text = enable/disable to watch events for grafic objects "Text".
The status: Free-of-charge, it is possible to download the full version.
Platform: MetaTrader 4.
![To download the full version](images/edl1.gif)
Frequently asked questions:
How I can run a indicator ?
How I can determine that there was a error at execution of the indicator ?
How I can change parameters of the indicator ?